Accounts Manager
The Accounts Manager module allows you to see all the accounts that have been setup in the Asignet Platform and manage key fields linked to the accounts. For each account record, you can click on the spyglass and view:
Manage your account description, status, and cost allocation strategy
View the invoice download settings & payment methods settings
Define your Reference Information, like the Vendor Number, Remit ID, and Remit Address
See the Subaccount records billing under the Account
Manage the GL Codes associated to each Subaccount when set to allocate at this level
Service ID
See the Service ID records billing under for the Account
Manage the GL Codes associated to each line when set to allocate at this level
View a list of invoices received for the account
Download the invoice for the given month
How to view the account details,
Go to the Expense Management module.
Click on Operations.
Select Accounts Manager.
Click on the spyglass under the Edit column to view the account record details.