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Creating your Warehouse Types

The Warehouse Type tool provides you the capability to create your own warehouse classifications, so you group your device warehouses by Warehouse Type. You may customize or edit this list at any time. During the Implementation process, our team will assist you in creating all the valid types.

  1. Go to the Device Inventory module.

  2. Select Config from the left menu.

  3. Click on Warehouse Type.

Add a new Warehouse Type

  1. Click on the New button.

  2. Define the Code and Type for the warehouse

  3. Click Accept to save your changes.

Edit an existing Warehouse Type

  1. Locate the warehouse record that should be changed.

  2. Click on the pencil icon under the Edit column.

  3. Change the Code and/or Type value.

  4. Click Accept to save your changes.

Delete an existing Warehouse Type

  1. Locate the warehouse record that should be changed.

  2. Click on the red X icon under the Delete column.

  3. Confirm the change and then click Delete.

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