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Managing the GL Code delimiter

Our Implementation Team will have already created your GL Code Delimiter however, we understand that sometimes our clients need to make adjustments to their GL code structure & organization. We’d recommend talking with your Client Success Manager before you make any major changes in this module.

A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters for specifying the boundary between separate values. The delimiter field in the platform is free form, but typical entries are:

Common Delimiters

Entry value





Vertical Bar




Space (no character)

How to add a delimiter

  1. Click on the action button 3. Define Delim…

  1. Click the New action button.

  1. Enter the delimiter value that should appear between your GL Level codes in the Code field.

  2. Click Accept to save your change.

How to edit the delimiter

  1. Click on the action button 3. Define Delim…

  1. Click on the pencil icon under the Edit column.

  2. Change the value and click Accept to save your changes.

How to delete the delimiter

  1. Click on the action button 3. Define Delim…

  2. Click on the red X under the Delete column.

  3. Confirm the action and click Delete.

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