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Optimization Reports

Presently we have one standard optimization report entitled Pool Optimization. This report is mobile-specific for accounts that have voice and/or data pooling plans. This report will not generate data results for wireline-only accounts.

Using the Pool Optimization Report

The Analytic Usage by Line page presents summary level reporting in usage by line for total usage (GB), total usage to optimize, total allowance, quantity of lines, plan cost, new plan cost, new allowance, and zero usage.

The detailed report grid provides you the following information:

Column header



Raw Data

Usage (GB)


Q Lines

Plan Cost


Optimization: New Plan Cost

Optimization: Savings

Optimization: New Allowance

Optimization: Q Plan Changes


Report Options

Customizing your Grid view

There are 16 columns that are part of the Grid view. When you click on the Customize Grid icon, you will see the options to:

  • Relabel each column header

  • Make a column sortable

  • Expose / Hide a column

  • Move the column order position up or down

When you are done, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit. You may also click Reset Value to revert back to the default setup as determined by Asignet.

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