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Savings - Tracker

The Savings module is used to track vendor related disputes and other opportunities for savings, such as recommendations or service changes. The savings items allow you to track expected vs. actual savings amounts, ongoing commentary about the savings, and the status of each savings item. 

Where do we capture disputes?

All savings opportunities are captured in the Savings Dashboard module. Here you can create new items, edit existing savings, and monitor the status of the savings.

How are savings classified in the platform?

Savings Issue Type

Issue Sub-Type

Dispute: money that should have not been charged to your account

Contractual: the savings are rooted in the vendor contract; the vendor must honor the contract rates

Inquiry: research efforts to determine if charges can be avoided or money recovered

Inventory: the savings is based on an inventory audit, like disconnected inventory still billing or active inventory tied to a closed location.

Recommendation: an optimization effort to save money via one-time recovery or ongoing avoidance

Usage: the savings is based on usage optimizations or recovery of invalid fees

Tariff Dispute: the savings is based on a tariff dispute with the vendor


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